November 27, 2010 in CSS

CSS3 transform property – think out of the box

So far we have used box model for layout of webpages. CSS 3 now allows us to think out of the box. Ok, not exactly out of the box, but at least transform the box. CSS 2D transform module provides us some new functions, using these functions elements can be translated, rotated, scaled, and skewed. […]

November 20, 2010 in CSS

CSS3 text-shadow property – the hidden powers.

Text-Shadow is one of the many new properties from the quiver called CSS 3. It’s too powerful to create effects, which were only possible through image editing software’s like Adobe Photoshop. This little beast is a very handy tool to add effects like drop-shadow, multiple shadows, glow, blur, and emboss etc. You can also blend […]

November 13, 2010 in PSD to HTML

What is ‘Semantic Markup’?

Dictionary meaning of word semantic is ‘the study of language meaning’. For HTML it is the meaning of tags we use in a document. An example is p tag for paragraphs which means text written in p tag is a paragraph. Markup is the notation that is used to indicate how text should be displayed. […]